Another robbing method in klang/ Selangor

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Dear all,

This afternoon (14/07/2009), while waiting for my husband in front of the bank ( MBB, Jalan Taiping, Klang), I saw a Malay lady bending down to throw
some RM1.00 notes behind the tyre of a car parked in front of mine.

After throwing the notes, she knocked the car ' s window to tell him that he has dropped some money. Right after that, a man came knocking on my window, also telling me that I have dropped something.

Fortunately, I was not conned by them because I have witnessed what that Malay lady was doing. They came in a group of 4 (1 lady and 3 guys whom all look like foreigners; like the Arabian/ Moroccan type).They will rob you once you open your car door to check.

Please pass this email to all your friends, relatives and colleagues to warn them about these people even if you are not from Klang.

Fatimah bt. Jali
Tour Consultant
Taman Intan, 41300 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan , MALAYSIA .

so we must be more careful...Nauzubillah..mintak2 semua ni dijauhkan dari kita semua..amin...


Anonymous said...

takutnyer... risau kan. skang mcm² cara org buat... kitrer dah rasa x selamat.. almaklum la ekonomi x stabil.. kejer pun xde.. cara camni la d/org nak idup... robbing... huhuhu

IBU ALISSA said...

tapi yg geramnya k.As bkn org kita tapi warga asing..dah la dtg secara haram..buat kerja jahat...